The Bastard Fairies The Bastard Fairies

Memento Mori

Sometimes you think you're untouchable
Just look behind you, you are but a man
Sometimes you think things can't get worse
Just look behind you, you are but a man

So eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead
Eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead

The struggle for life you know never ends
So look behind you, you are but a man
Rich man, poor man, beggar man, thief
Look behind you, you are but a man

So eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead
Eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead

Realise we share the same fate
Understand your own mortality
Our lives are getting shorter every day
Pretty soon there will be no you and me

So eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead
Eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead

Sieze the day, you know it's gonna end
Look behind you, you are but a man
Dance footloose across the earth
And look behind you, you are but a man

So eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead
Eat, drink and be merry
For tomorrow you may be dead